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As is known, the “madness” of Don Quixote was born from the obsessive reading of chivalry books. The world of medieval romances became to him more real than the real life. Thus from an inhabitant of the sun-scorched dusty Spanish province of La Mancha he had turned into the citizen and ruler of the boundless Empire of Imagination. Its size, perhaps, had far surpassed that of the real Spanish empire stretched across the globe and created by other great Spaniards also called “madmen” – Columbus and Cortez! The artist assumes that in this New Empire there was also a place for the fantastic butterflies with splendid wings eclipsing the fauna of Colombia, Amazonia and Venezuela! So, instead of doing a glorious battle with the evil giant windmill, Don Quixote is going to enter the duel with the giant butterflies. Certainly, having such a “weapon,” he will not catch any butterfly. But his net could seize Beauty and Grace of these and many other amazing creations. Let us follow his noble example and stretch the net of our imaginations in search for beauty!