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Orchard Isles like clouds slowly float in the golden air above the green hills and blue waters. Their image awakes in memory the blossoming isles of Aztec Tenochtitlan – capital city of ancient Mexica. We see in the picture a miraculous flying ladder. Flying gatherers of the heavy Eden harvest are skillfully moving the ladder striding as on stilts from one Paradise crone to another filling the baskets with ripe fruits. Maybe such a ladder appeared in the old days to the dreamer Jacob… “And the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.” What did Jacob see in his dream? The Scriptures say he "saw a ladder resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it." In his dream, Jacob saw a ladder. The ladder which Jacob beheld was an unusual ladder, a very tall ladder, reaching from earth to heaven and entering the presence of God! And on this ladder, ascending and descending, are the angels of God. with angels going up and down form heaven Thus, God appeared to Jacob in a dream and promised the same thing He had ... In his dream, Jacob saw a ladder. The ladder which Jacob beheld was an unusual .. The paradise fruits have ripened, Filled with unearthly nectar. Time for harvesting has approached On Orchard Isles of Heaven For people who toiled on Earth.