Orpheus created a poetic and musical rhapsody about the creation of the universe and the appearance of harmony. This is a hymn to the ocean, the heavens, and the earth. This is a hymn of the sensual and spiritual life of the people, which rises to the heavens.
MYTHOLOGY OF THE OCEANS AND HEAVENS - 20 x 50.5 INCHESPRINT ON CANVAS20 x 50.5 INCHESSigned and Numbered Limited Edition$2,400.00
OPEN WORLDPRINT ON CANVAS28 x 25 INCHESSigned and Numbered Limited Edition$2,500.00
PLAY FOR THE OCEANPRINT ON CANVAS14 x 20 INCHESSigned and Numbered Limited Edition$2,600.00
CELLISTSUBLIMATION ON METAL14 x 11 INCHESSigned and Numbered Limited Edition$900.00
METAMORPHOSISPRINT ON CANVAS11 x 14 INCHESSigned and Numbered Limited Edition$2,300.00
METAMORPHOSIS IIPRINT ON CANVAS26 x 34 INCHESSigned and Numbered Limited Edition$4,200.00
SAFE HARBORPRINT ON CANVAS26 x 45 INCHESSigned and Numbered Limited Edition$4,200.00
WINDOW TO DISCOVERYPRINT ON CANVAS43 x 25.75 INCHESSigned and Numbered Limited Edition$3,200.00
OCEAN SPROUTSPRINT ON CANVAS37.5 x 32 INCHESSigned and Numbered Limited Edition$4,200.00
JOURNEY ALONG THE EDGE OF THE EARTHPRINT ON CANVAS46.5 x 25.5 INCHESSigned and Numbered Limited Edition$4,600.00
DRAGON DEFENCEPRINT ON CANVAS25 x 45 INCHESSigned and Numbered Limited Edition$2,600.00
MIGRATIONPRINT ON CANVAS25 x 35 INCHESSigned and Numbered Limited Edition$2,800.00
MAGICIAN'S SECRETPRINT ON CANVAS18 x 14 INCHESSigned and Numbered Limited Edition$1,200.00
PEARL MAGICIANPRINT ON CANVAS11 x 14 INCHESSigned and Numbered Limited Edition$1,700.00
OCEAN ROAR - 24 x 53 INCHESPRINT ON CANVAS24 x 53 INCHESSigned and Numbered Limited Edition$2,200.00
OCEAN ROAR - 33 x 71 INCHESPRINT ON CANVAS33 x 71 INCHESSigned and Numbered Limited Edition$6,800.00