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Humans lust for flight and game, for a person remains a child at heart, never wanting to part with his favourite wind-up toy.
The main character in A Clockwork Orange, a novel by Anthony Burgess (which was made into a movie by Stanley Kubrick) is a young man with violent inclinations. This tendency to commit made him exists side by side in soul with a thirst for beauty, as demonstrated by his obsession with Bethoveen's Ninth Symphony.
Society has been working upon him and winds him up. He can not stop and keeps unspinnig like a clockwork toy. He was deprived of the freedom of choice and he is made as a machine capable of only virtous actions. As it is put in the preamble of the novel:
... This is an attempt to impose on a human (a creature) naturally inclined to kindness) laws and rules that are common only in the world of mechanisms.