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A girl is obviously getting ready, brushing her hair and looking at her reflection in a kind of mirror – a polished nail.
Different nations use the image of mirror as advisor in practical matters in their folklore. Everyone knows the Brothers Grimm fairy tale Snow White and Seven Dwarfs (1812) with its ‘magic mirror’ – this mirror appears also in a ‘remake’ by the Russian classic Alexander Pushkin The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights (1833). There Tsaritsa (Queen) starts a ‘beauty chat’ with her mirror by saying: “Tell me, pretty looking-glass, nothing but the truth, I ask…”
Key concept
The symbolism of a finger can be interpreted as Advisor helping the girl in this dialogue and reminding her: “your happiness is in your hands.” In our time an iPad can be seen as a ‘magic mirror’ where you can quiz Google about the weather in the city and check out “Miss World” ratings according to public voting.