It is the Spirit of the great Mexican land of volcanos – Sierra Madre. A vast cloud-brimmed sombrero covering his head, a poncho of woody velvet protecting his neck and shoulders. Scores to hundreds of mountain ranges and volcanos with unusual names full of secret meaning - Pico de Orizaba, Popocatepetl, Istaksiuatl, - gathered around him like warriors in attendance to their chief in command.
Key concept
Bent on reaching the innumerable treasures lying dormant in the depths of Sierra the man has cut through a never-ending labyrinth of a tunnel right into the heart of the mountain giant. Down under, in the pitch-dark shafts he is mining for silver and gold, extracting titanium and wolfram... By way of making it up to the Spirit the man put a necklace of light and a red charm of a “beetle” round the jumbo’s neck. Welcome to Mexico and may you get along with this tough border guard as well as Moss did with his in No Country for Old Men.