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This painting depicts a symbol of the World Tree and awareness of the world. According to a Greek myth, the god of love, Adonis, was born from the trunk of the myrrh tree, which miraculously gave birth on the ninth month of ripening.
Adonis’ role could have been played by Emperor Nero, who was famous during those ancient times for his inclination toward dramatic theatrical effects. For example, he ordered fires to be started in different corners of Rome, and he was pleased at the sight, playing his harp while watching.
Nero staged gigantic gladiator battles involving ravenous beasts and viewed the fights through an emerald polished into the shape of a lens. Because of this, blood did not appear to have its’ red color. The painting reveals ghostly greenish tones and brownish-yellow reflections in the folds of fabric- as if the observer were looking through an emerald lens.